The Greater Experience Church is a church serving humanity and ministering to the needs of the total man. The Greater Experience Church exists to serve every race, nationality, culture and age group. We are on a mission to educate, motivate and inspire those we encounter to have a greater worship experience, greater expectations and to live a greater lifestyle through the preaching and teaching of the word of God,prayer, outreach and living holistically.
It is the vision of Visionary Marciano Austell and The Greater Experience Church to use our spiritual and physical resources to evangelize the sinner, equip the saint, and exalt the Savior. It is our endeavor to serve as catalysts to maintain the tradition of the church of Jesus Christ while we bridge the gap between the local church, lost souls, those who have regressed, the younger generation and other cultures. It is our prayer that through implementing programs, educating our youth and various other ventures that we are able to reach the lost at any cost.